Parent/Carer Responsibilities

Sign Hi Say Hi! takes its responsibilities to look after your children when they are in our care very seriously. In order to ensure we can do this properly we request your co-operation in the following:-

Safe Staffing Levels

In order to hold a Club session we need to ensure that we have sufficient session workers to ensure the safety of the children/young people at the session. We would ask that if your child/young person is attending a session and you are not intending to remain with them that you let us know a minimum of 3 days in advance of the session. This will ensure we have the correct staffing levels in place and the session can go ahead as planned.

Signing In and Out

A key way we ensure the safety of children is by signing them in and out of each session so that we ensure we can account for all the children and no one has gone missing or if the person collecting them is delayed for any reason someone can remain with them until the situation has been resolved. We would request that all parents/carers sign in their child(ren)/young people at the beginning of the session and provide a current contact number. In addition we request that when collecting them you also sign to confirm you have done this. Also if you are making arrangements for someone other than yourself to collect them can you let the session leader  know. It only takes a second and these procedures are in place so we can ensure that we are protecting your child(ren)/young people.


Sign Hi Say Hi! Committee